Pathways Early Autism Intervention

Pathways Early Autism Intervention is an evidence-based NDBI with it’s own extensive body of research. Our goal is to work together with IDEA Part C Programs to make affordable, effective, evidence-based intervention available to all toddlers suspected of or diagnosed with autism.
Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Intervention
Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) are now considered effective for toddlers with autism and have emerged as the intervention type most supported by rigorous research.

Pathways Early Autism Intervention was developed within an authentic IDEA Part C early childhood setting. It is based on the latest brain, developmental and behavioral research on toddlers with autism.

Randomized Trials
There have been four large scale, two year, randomized control trials done on the Pathways Early Autism Intervention Program. Randomized controlled trials are considered the gold-standard for studying causal relationships.

Research and Publications
Over the last 13 years, there have been 9 published papers showing the efficacy of the Pathways Parent Training Program. These papers are published in prestigious Journals such as the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.
More Children Will Be Coming Your Way...
The latest CDC report shows an increase in prevalence with about 2.8% or 1 in 36 children in the US diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.
Research shows an autism diagnosis is stable beginning at 12 months and highly stable by 14 months.
AND…American Academy of Pediatrics advocates starting intervention even before diagnosis!

For IDEA Part C Agencies
Concerned about finding an effective evidence-based intervention for your agency and your providers?
Concerned about building the capacity to serve your toddlers diagnosed or at risk for autism?

For Providers
Pathways providers include SLPs, OTs, PTs, Mental Health, and Early Childhood Interventionists.
Learn how you can make a difference in the lives of the families you serve.

For Parents
If you have any concerns about autism…
If you even think maybe…
Learn more about what autism is and what you can do as a parent.